Just a short blog I am writing on Katie's behalf, as she sips her "pomegranate oolong" tea from inside this coffee shop/internet cafe perfectly called, "kava kava kava".
After only a short visit here (2.5 days, 3 nights), we have our final afternoon before we head to Germany tomorrow morning. This evening, my cousin Zdenka will take us to a nice garden with her boyfriend for a wonderful "klebicky" picnic (sounds almost like "clay-beach-key"). Klebickies are a small Czech delicacy; small open-faced sandwiches layered with potatoe salad, a slice of ham, pickle, and garnish of the chef's choosing. Klebickies are best when they are home-made, and luckily Zdenka has offered to make some for us.
They are, of course, my favorite Czech food, which means that they are also Katie's favorite Czech food by default.
Other than that, we have seen the Prague-basics in terms of sights: The Prague Castle, Charles Bridge, Old Square, and Wenceslas Square. To boot, we've added a few extra off-the-beaten path sights which are a great breath of fresh air as it seems that Prague's tourism industry in the heart of the city is in such full swing that you really only need to come to Prague if you want to hear a bit of German, Italian, Spanish, English, Australian, Mexican, and every Asian country's language and culture.
Germany may not be much better thanks to the world cup, but I figure that once we get to Hamburg, we'll have a little more of a relaxing time then we have here. Prague is great, and all, but the temperature is about 32 degrees, 42 with tourists.
Nevertheless, Katie is having a great time!!! And I'm glad, considering there was a lot of pressure on me to show her a "perfect" Prague...... This was easy of course, as Prague has 2 Lush stores. Honestly, we could have been in the middle of civil war-plagued Africa, with disease, poverty, etc. and if there would be just one Lush store, it would be paradise for Katie.
Plus, Prague has all-in-all good food, another easy pleaser :) Really, there wasn't much I needed to do but point to Lush, point to a schnitzel house, and it became a perfect holiday.
So that's it for now. We are off to enjoy the remaining day, and get a good night's rest before our early morning train to Hamburg. We were lucky enough to afford a 3 hour stop in Berlin, where I'll be able to give Katie the quick Big 3 tour of Berlin: Hitler, Communism, and high-tech German architecture.
Ok, have to go, Katie just finished her tea.
This Princess needs attention!