Monday, May 15, 2006

Weekend in Szanda

This past weekend I was in "Szanda" a small country town north of Budapest. Please see the picture below for the location. To get to the town we took two trains and a short bus ride. In all it took about 2 hours. I traveled with about 20 people. They were all members of the IAESTE committee for Hungary and this weekend was their training retreat. I was brought along as a special guest per say, since I would not be taking part of the event during the day since they were all going to be in Hungarian.

We all stayed at a small place which was just as nice as the hostel I am staying at now. In the bottom left corner of the picture is Barbara, she is another trainee from Austria and she also spent the weekend with me since she cannot speak Hungarian either.

The weekend consisted of sleeping, relaxing, sunbathing, reading, listening to music and a few parties. It was a great weekend. Barbara and I had some time to go walking in the hills and we came across a row of wine cellars. It was such a beautiful site. Below is a picture of me infront of the cellars. We hiked along this road which then lead to an opening to the valley where we got to see over the land.

Below is a picture of IAESTE members dressed up as cowboys. The theme for the conference was "Western". At night the members put on skits that could be understood in any language : )


  • Hello from mundane Kingston!

    Szanda looks wonderful. I also enjoyed the Budapest photos and checked to see if my cousin is coincidentally in the background somewhere (he is studying there). Sure it sounds silly now - but it's a small world, afterall. Just kidding :D

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:51 PM  

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